Thursday, November 22, 2007

That's NOT a Toy! It's THE Shoe!

If the Shoe fits AND Squeaks, she's got to wear it! Forget the plain ol' white Stride Rite walking shoes. This is a new day and age. These are the days where anything goes...or sounds for that matter! There's a new shoe on the market and they aren't just stylish, they aren't just colorful, they aren't just leather or canvas, dress shoe or sneaker, they are SQUEAKY!! Yes, that's right Squeaky Shoes! Perfect for every princess. Most of our Squeaky Shoes come in sizes 3-8 and a variety of styles and colors to match all of the wonderful and unique princess and boutique outfits. Best of all, Squeaky Shoes are pediatric recommended! They are favorites among childrens doctors because they encourage proper walking techiniques. The shoes will only squeak if the child is walking correctly, which is heel to toe. For children learning to walk, these shoes are excellent because once they hear the SQUEAK, they always want to hear the SQUEAK so they keep tapping their feet until they get the technique down. Best of all, if your little one gets away from you at the mall or the carnival, even the grocery store, it'll be easy findings! Just follow the SQUEAK! World famous: squeakeez by Aleja LAkroy

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